Yellowcake Survivor

Title: Yellowcake Survivor

Size: 80cm width x 80cm height.

Medium: Digital NFT + Original Signed Print.

Number available: 1 of 1.

Yellowcake Survivor is part of Gwylym’s skull series of artworks. Skulls represent mortality, death and the unachievable of immortality. Skulls don’t always represent death, they can symbolize a warning. If you see a skull on a label you automatically understand it is a warning and villagers have put skulls of their enemies at their gates to warn others not to enter since time immemorial.

Skulls can also be a celebration of life! Depending on the cultures a skull can represent the passing from this life to the next, this does not represent something good or bad and when we take away the preconceptions of what is thought of as good and bad we are getting closer to wisdom.

Another way to look at skulls is to reference pirates, biker gangs etc. In this context skulls represent a warrior and the bravery that this entails. A warrior is ready to endure what life throws at them, it’s about resilience and comraderie within a group.

It’s safe to say that skulls can represent many things in life and death and the above just touches on a few of these things.

In this case, the fun and bright appearance of this artwork masks a darker reality. Yellowcake Survivor artwork is a stark reminder that there are no survivors in nuclear war.