Dolly’s Army Drone One

Title: Dolly’s Army Drone One.

Size: 120cm width x 80cm height.

Medium: Digital NFT + Original Signed Print.

Number available:
1 of 1.

Dolly the robosheep is an artwork that is available on this website here:

Dolly is the original and illustrious leader of all she surveys and she is helped in her mission to rule by her army of drones.

Drone One may look cute but she’s a total bitch! She will milk you for your tears and generally make you miserable if you don’t comply with Dolly’s orders.

This is your chance to grab a bargain! Each original drone in this collection will be available to buy for just $1,000. Dolly retails for just under $15,000 like most of Gwylym’s artwork. If you’ve always wanted to own an original Gwylym artwork but couldn’t afford it, this is your chance!