Peder Severin Krøyer: 18 cool facts

Many of Peder Severin Kroyer’s paintings depict beach scenes, showing casual beach life and local fishermen. Peder Severin Kroyer, summer night with Anna Ancher and Marie Kroyer at Skagen South Beach, 1893. He is one of the most famous and popular artists in Skagen, and the most dynamic community of Danish and Nordic artists living, …

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Image of Vincenzo Volpe

7 facts about Vincenzo Volpe

Vincenzo Volpe (Grottaminarda, Campania December 14, 1855 – Naples, February 9, 1929) was an Italian painter. From 1874 to 1890, he painted mostly genre scenes. From 1891 to 1896, he concentrated on religious art, then returned to genre works and portraits. Vincenzo Volpe (December 14, 1855-February 9, 1929 [1]) was an Italian painter. The Italian …

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Melita Aitken

This is Melita Aitken

Melita Aitken (March 31, 1866 – August 28, 1945) was a Canadian writer and artist. She was born in Drumbo, Ontario and studied art taking into account Mary Dignam in Toronto and similar to John Vanderpoel at the Art Institute of Chicago. At first, Aitken painted portraits in oil but switched to painting flowers in …

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