Who is Conrad Fyoll?

Conrad Fyoll, who flourished at Frankfort-on-the-Main from the year 1464 to 1476, — the only time of times of which record a propos him has been handed next to to us, — is a painter whose works display graceful drawing and subdued colouring. The chief characterize ascribed to him is an altar-piece in the Städel Institute at Frankfort. It represents, in the centre, Christ upon the Cross, with the donor and his sons on the right wing, and his wife and daughters on the left wing. There is afterward a characterize of the Family of St. Anne. Mention may next be made of a triptych in the Berlin Gallery formerly assigned to him, but now thought to be of rather unconventional date, representing the Virgin and Child later St. Anna, and SS. Barbara and Catharine and the Annunciation on the wings; and of unconventional in the Antwerp Museum, with the Adoration of the Magi in the centre, and the Nativity and Circumcision on the wings.

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