Who is Harold Frederick Neville Gye?

Harold Frederick Neville Gye (22 May 1887 — 25 November 1967), who published under the name Hal Gye, was an author of cartoons, illustrations and articles for in front Australian newspapers and journals. Gye provided the artwork for The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke by Australian novelist and poet C. J. Dennis.

Gye was born on 22 May 1887 at Ryde, New South Wales. He exhibited a flair for humour and dabbled in poetry, writing greater than sixty pieces.

Submitting articles and illustrations to The Bulletin, several appeared to have been written as James Hackston, his nom-de-plume. His works intensify political cartoons and supplementary illustrations, later exhibiting oil paintings and publishing articles; the latter were collected as Father Clears Out (1966).

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Gye moreover provided illustrations for an anthology of Scottish Border poet and Australian bush balladeer Will H. Ogilvie (1869–1963), with The Australian and new verses (1916) frontispiece and title page. Work was furthermore undertaken for poet and writer Andrew Barton ‘Banjo’ Paterson.

The autobiography The Hole in the Bedroom Floor (1969) was published after his death in 1967.

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