Juan de Espinal: 22 cool facts

Juan de Espinal (1714-1783), a Spanish historical painter, was a original of Seville. He was the son and pupil of Gregorio Espinal, who was with a painter, but he afterwards entered the researcher of Domingo Martinez, whose daughter he married. He was selected director of the School of Design which Cean Bermudez and additional lovers of art received at Seville. Cean Bermudez says that he possessed more genius than any of his contemporaries, and but for his bad training and indolence would have been the best painter whom Seville had produced previously the time of Murillo. A visit to Madrid late in animatronics made apparent his misspent time, and he returned saddened and abashed to Seville, where he died in 1783. His chief works were scenes from the cartoon of St. Jerome, painted for the monastery of San Geronimo de Buenavista, and now in the Seville Museum, and some frescoes in the collegiate church of San Salvador.

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