Juan Rexach: 4 cool facts

Juan Rexach, (fl. 1431-1482) was a Spanish painter and miniaturist. His date of birth is not known.

Most of his moving picture is scarcely documented. He studied subsequent to Jacomart, in whose studio he worked, and after a become old of become old Rexach succeeded his master. He completed some altarpieces left incomplete by Jacomart, and worked in the same way as him on clear commissions, so sometimes attributions can be difficult. Rexach opted for large formats and monumental treatment of the figures.

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Rexach was an eminent painter in Valencia during the 15th century. Although his works are markedly Spanish, they after that reflect influences of further European artistic style, especially Flanders. His well-known painting, The Crucifixion, resembles the decree of Gerard David. The architecture shown in the painting is northern. His other famous work, Madonna and Child Enthroned, was in vogue to the reduction of becoming a motif in Valencian art of his time. These two paintings were part of a larger retable.

Among his works are the afterward altarpieces:

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