This is Lu Guang

Lü Guang (Chinese: 呂光; 337–400), courtesy name Shiming (世明), formally Emperor Yiwu of (Later) Liang ((後)涼懿武帝), was the founding emperor of the Chinese/Di let pass Later Liang (although during most of his reign, he used the title “Heavenly Prince” (Tian Wang)). He was initially a Former Qin general, but in buoyant of Former Qin’s collapse starting in 384, he granted to found his own state, initially including nearly anything of open-minded Gansu. As his reign continued, however, his domain dwindled after Southern Liang and Northern Liang confirmed independence. His death in 400 left Later Liang in an unstable state, and it would be no more by 403.

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