14 facts about Marco Almaviva

Marco Almaviva (born January 23, 1934) is an Italian painter.

Almaviva was born in Novi Ligure (Province of Alessandria, Italy). His father, Armando Vassallo, a leading sculptor of the 20th-century style, the first educational and near friend of Francesco Messina, was one of the most representative of the close of figurativists who shone by their research potential and originality, mostly inspired by the classicism and archaic/modernizing that were utter in 1930s Italy . By the time Vassallo moved from Genoa to Novi, he had taken allocation in two Venice Biennals (1928 and 1930), and the 1925 Exposition des Arts Décoratifs in Paris; he had received relationships and worked past major exponents of art and culture, from Adolfo Wildt to Arturo Martini, from Edgar Wood to Rino Valdameri, Giovanni Pastrone and Gabriele D’Annunzio, on the announcement of the major film Cabiria. By this time, Vassallo had already begun to song dissent like fascist regime as far afield as art was concerned, and this was to improvement to him openly criticising its leaders and his consequent elimination from the public exhibition circuit. Vassallo’s last showing was in September 1933 together later Arturo Martini, with whom he shared the pressing compulsion to Italian art and sculpture.

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Almaviva has processed the dramatic events his dad lived through into one of the reasons for demystifying artistic officialdom, a feature of his entire career.






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