22 facts about Merrick Fry

Merrick Fry is an Australian artiste who was born in Bathurst in 1950. Fry studied at the East Sydney Technical College (now the National Art School) from 1970 to 1972, graduating in 1973

In 1985, Fry wrote and illustrated Stick in the Mud. In the similar year, critic John Macdonald described his do something as an “intimate view of the bush”.

Fry created the images for the Wooly Mammoth Campaign and Annandale Heritage Festival.

Bathurst Regional Art Gallery has 25 works by Merrick Fry. In 2013 the Bathurst Gallery hosted a retrospective exhibition of Fry’s work “Merrick Fry: A Life Looked At”

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In 2014, Fry was commissioned to install a undertaking in the foyer of the SMART Infrastructure Facility at Wollongong University.

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