Pedro de Campolargo: 11 cool facts

Pedro de Campolargo (c. 1605-1687) was a Flemish painter and engraver, who was lithe during the Baroque mature and formed allocation of a large help of Flemish artists mostly from Antwerp who were responsive in Seville in the second half of the 17th century.

There is little information very nearly Campolargo’s in front life and training. Even his Flemish state is not known following certainty. He is believed to have been a native of Antwerp who trained as a painter and engraver in his hometown. The first record upon Campolargo in Seville is 17 November 1640 subsequently he is recorded following his wife, Angela Adriaensens, at the baptism of their son in the parish of the Blessed Sacrament in Seville Cathedral. Years later, in October 1651, he was once again recorded behind taking an examination in the “art of painter of images upon plates” with Sebastián de Llanos y Valdés. Campolargo, declared in an qualified document that he was “of the Flemish nation and age 46 or so.”

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In 1660 there is a scrap book of Campolargo receiving an apprentice. In Seville, Campolargo formed part of a organization of Flemish artists, principally from Antwerp, such as Cornelis Schut III, Jan (Juan) van Mol and Sebastián Faix. Some of them such as Schut and Campolargo were also working in the foundation and marketing of the Academy of Fine Arts of Seville founded in 1660. Until 1663 Campolargo was one of academic world members who promoted the drawing style of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. Campolargo is anew documented in 1671 while working on the Triumph elevation in the cathedral upon the occasion of the celebrations for the canonization of San Fernando, charging for the prints 1800 reales.

He dictated his will upon May 25, 1675. He was buried upon 23 January 1687. He left a son of the same name who in historical documents is furthermore referred to as a painter.

Campolargo is documented as having worked in the so-called ‘minor’ genres such as landscape and portrait painting and worked after that as a stage decorator.

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