Image of Bratsa Bonifacho

Bratsa Bonifacho: 19 interesting facts

Bratsa Bonifacho (Braca Bonifacije; born February 10, 1937 in Yugoslavia) a painter, became a Canadian citizen in 1976 and now lives in Vancouver, Canada. Working from a discipline based in formalism, he is an abstract expressionist who chooses between many elements including symbolist and symbolic to express non-verbal thoughts and emotions abstractly. Braca Bonifacije (born …

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betty spindler

19 facts about Betty Spindler

Betty Spindler (born 1943) is an American ceramist, known for her ceramic renditions of fruits, vegetables, and supplementary foods. Born in Long Beach, California in 1943, Spindler struggled following learning disabilities as a child, later diagnosed as dyslexia. She began her art career once classes at Sherman E. Burroughs High School, but did not continue …

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