Who is Tim Storrier?

Tim Storrier AM (born 13 February 1949 in Sydney) is an Australian artiste who won the 2017 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with The Lunar Savant, a portrait of fellow player McLean Edwards.

His win in the 2012 Archibald Prize in the same way as a ‘faceless’ self-portrait entitled The Histrionic Wayfarer (after Bosch), proved a controversial unusual by the judges. Storrier explanation in the accompanying Art Gallery of New South Wales (AGNSW) text “It refers to a painting by Hieronymus Bosch called The Wayfarer painted in c. 1510 where the figure is believed to be choosing a alleyway or possibly the prodigal son returning,” says Storrier. “It after that has other references, I believe, but they are rather clouded in biblical archives and time… A carapace of hardship is depicted in The histrionic wayfarer, clothed in the tools to Keep the intrigue of a metaphysical survey. Provisions, art materials, books, papers, bedding, compass and maps, all for the journey through the landscape of the artist’s mind, accompanied by Smudge [the dog], the critic and guide of the collect enterprise.”

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The AGNSW text afterward notes “Though there is no outlook to identify him, Storrier believes that identity is made positive by the clothes and equipment carried. Storrier has included a drawing of himself in the painting, scribbled on a fragment of paper subconscious blown away by the wind”. Storrier’s Wayfarer is one of his highly developed career symbolic subjects and further examples can be seen in his In Absentia series.

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